Discover the Power of your Business through Your Employees
Discover the link between employee engagement and the monthly metrics you use to drive your business! This insight allows you to meet your strategic goals through the power of your people.
Steps include an Employee Engagement Survey customized to your strategic and measurable targets, debriefing of the causal links between the two, and recommendations for inclusion in your monthly operational reviews.
How does your company compare, and what can you learn from the insight of 18 years of data, 2,800 companies, and 1.3 million survey responses? And then what can you do with that knowledge to differentiate yourself in the marketplace? From these results we give you powerful, targeted solutions to address your most pressing need(s).
Time: There is an initial investment of a few hours by a designated company representative to ensure the survey is targeted to your specific strategic needs. Approximately 15 minutes will be needed by employees to fill out the survey. A final video conference of 60 minutes explains the results and provides steps forward.
Price: $6,500 for up to 200 participants.